Saturday, 9 November 2013

MTV EMA's Current Buzz. This where the whole KPOP community unite!

Okay so Hi and Assalamualaikum u guys!
What is all the fuss on twitter among EXO STANS, BELIEBERS and DIRECTIONERS??? It is the MTV EMA!!! The hate that other fandoms are throwing at EXO STANS is just way too much. Firstly, they started calling EXO deodorants and dish soaps and now, they are cheating by suspending and reporting those who vote for EXO. That is way too much. But, not all Beliebers and Directioners are like that.
Please respect whatever fandoms there is. We only have to love and support our idols. I bet our idols don't even wants their fans HAVING A FANWAR with other fandoms.
Forget the other fandoms, we even received hate towards haters in our country yang menuduh kita orang leka buat ni and ada yang cakap "Korang buat ni bukannya dapat apa pun, mamat2 tu yang dapat hadiah, kau ada? And kau buat ni, solat ke tidak? Memanjang online" As a muslim, of course I take of my prayers and my "batasan". Bukannya, leka on twitter sampai tak solat ke and maki hamun orang. Aku pun ada maruah, bukannya sampai nak mencarut habis. Why can't they be open-minded? We do this because we want to see our idols happy and so they could continue making music we love. That's it. Simple as that.
If EXO wins, they win fair and square with the help of their fans with no cheating or hate to other fandoms.
KPOP IS A FAMILY. Why? Okay, does One Direction and Justin Bieber have any other fandoms that could help them? No right. BUT! In the world of KPOP, there are more than hundred fandoms that help and cheer for EXO. Overseas kpoppers, told us to sleep and eat because they care about our health.
I SERIOUSLY FEEL LIKE WE R FAMILY "sleep asian fans, we'll vote for exo" "it's our turn now, you can sleep western fans" awww.
My major fandom is still Cassiopeia. But I also love EXO so I'm helping them out.Help us, Cassiopeia, too when we need u. Ok?
i love how all the kpop fans united with each other and are supporting EXO for EMA xD

There are 11k+ almost to 12k+ people who were buzzing for EXO yesterday! What fandom is not proud of that ?? Haha. That's amazing

All we need to do is just Tweet and Retweet. It only counts when we put #EMAzing EXO at the end of our tweets. I don't even know how much I retweeted but all I know is that I got twitlimit with my account thrice and with my friends account once. I'm doing this for the idols I love.

All I have to say is, respect and don't hate others. We all have our own choices in music, so love what you like.

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