Thursday, 29 August 2013

Just a friendly little update

Okaaaaay sooooooo I haven't blogged in a while. Maklumlah, dah start sekolah kaaaan? Busy with homeworks,folio and the worst thing is PBS -.- Haih so the nest few post will be about what had happened and and happening.. Waiiit ahh

Thursday, 15 August 2013

Hangout with the loved ones :*

Hi! Assalamualaikum.
Nak cerita sikit ni....semalam my girls and two of my guy friends and I went for a hangout! Wuu..okay there's nothing to be sooo kecoh kecoh sangat la kaaaan >< But oh well, we had loaaaaddsss of fun :D. We went to watch a movie together at the Wangsa Walk Mall. We watched Percy Jackson: Sea Of Monsters buuuuuut we actually wanted to watch The Conjuring. Okay, sehari sebelum tu kita orang fikir la en, kalau nak tengok The Conjuring, kena minta IC bagai, but then Farahin and I said : alaaah takpe kot, mesti lepas punya, muka kita kan matang tapiiii Aiman tu haaa dia umm.... ( FYI, Aiman doesn't look matured so yeah and we didn't worried about the others they look pretty matured).. So, Faiz queued to buy the tickets aaaand.... TAK LEPAS so, Percy Jackson it is. Before the movie started, we went for lunch and prayed Zuhur. Sementara menunggu movie, cara nak menghabiskan masa lepas tu, kita orang jalan2 pusing2 and si Farahin nak tengok2 blouse. Ya RABBI kita orang ni ikut la dia, keluar masuk kedai haaaihhh bila dapat kawan gila baju macam ni la. ( BUT! I don't really like shopping, (I KNOW WEEIIIRDD right?) but I do shop okaaaay bila I ada mood nak bershopping, TUDIAAAA ><) Next thing we did was benda yang wajib bila Hangout of course we had to go in the Girly Kawaii KPOP-ish Photobooth! Hehe.. Because of the movie snacks are very the mahal and kita orang ni kedekut, kita orang curi curi bawa masuk Chatime and some cookies from Subway (ala, macam korang tak pernah en elelele~) While me and Farahin was lining up for Chatime, we saw this Zayn Malik look-a-like.. Hanya tuhan je yang tahu betapa gembiranya Farahin at that time haha. She recorded a video of him on my phone and there's this one part that he played with his hair ^_^ wuuu... haaha so... We rushed to watch the movie and as the movie ended we went hooomeee THE END~ Here are some photos of us yesterday, ( don't judge please BTW, I'm with green hijab) so... i think that's for now, if I rajin I will blog some more :) Assalamualaikum ...

Wednesday, 14 August 2013

Hi Hi Hi Hi!!!

Assalamualaikum. As a starter I would like to welcome you all to my Blog. Hmm, what shall I blog in the future? Islamic stuff? Food? Life? Memories? Crushes? KPOP? (Well, kpop is a must ><) Tips?? Pfftt, who am I to give you all tips right? Whatever, I'll think about later :) I hope you guys will have a very splendid day. Always start your day with بسم الله. I'm off to bed. Assalamualaikum... Peace! I'm out yaww!!